The Power of Maybe

A few years ago, I got a wake-up call. On the outside, life appeared to be great, but inside I felt unfulfilled and questioned my very existence.  I felt like there had to be a greater purpose to life than what I was experiencing. Little did I know, amid my confused and hopeless state of mind, God was ordering my steps for His glory.

When I graduated college, my career started and remained in banking for seven years. In the beginning I really enjoyed it, but as each year went by, that enjoyment turned into frustration and resentment. It didn’t make sense why I felt this way. Life appeared to be great! I was organically advancing in my career and didn’t need or want for anything, or so I thought. I was so caught up seeking what I thought was “happiness” that I missed the mark altogether. Going into 2020, my so-called happiness was hijacked. I was overwhelmed and mentally drained at work, yet I was still determined to chase “the bag”.

There a was greater lack I was avoiding. My relationship with God wasn’t much of a priority. Daily devotions were more like drive thru check-ins that mainly consisted of complaints of unanswered prayers, rather than adoration and thanksgiving. My time seemed limited and only devoted to my job and side hustles. It was in this season where God began to shake things up. That summer, I found out I would be out of a job at the end of the year. To my surprise, I wasn’t fearful of my future but rather I was met with an incomprehensible peace. I immediately recognized the way I was living wasn’t what God had planned for my life. From that moment, I was in constant search of God’s presence.

During this journey, He gifted me the idea to start an apparel brand. Initially I was not entirely convinced and pleaded with God for confirmation. It wasn’t long before I came across a sermon entitled “The Power of Maybe”. That sermon provided clarity for my concerns and unearthed confidence to face my fears. If I needed more assurance, a few weeks later I received a call from one of my best friends, explaining that he had a dream of us operating in a clothing warehouse. This had to be a divine confirmation, because I never shared with anyone prior to that call what God was asking of me.

I would love to tell you that I immediately exhausted all efforts to make this brand a reality, but that certainly wasn’t the case. I did the exact opposite, in fact, I allowed the enemy to periodically sow seeds of doubt and fear and convince me that I wasn’t worthy or capable of such an assignment. Despite receiving confirmation from God, it was as if staying in a miserable familiar situation was easier and trying something new would be too risky.

I finally got to a place where I honored my faith, stood on the promises of God and became consistent in my efforts. Although I regret the periods of unbelief, I remain transparent and hopeful that this will encourage everyone reading this to not sit in fear, guilt or uncertainty when God has revealed His plans for your life. These very experiences have been the inspiration behind the design concepts that will inspire and cultivate meaningful conversations about God.